Getting chroma/luma/audio outputs from a 7800 is somewhat tricky due to its hybrid nature. It is helpful to think of it not as a single machine that plays both 7800 and 2600 games, but as a distinct 2600 and 7800 machines mounted in a single case. This means there are two of every signal--two sets of luma signals, two chroma signals and two audio signals (even though most 7800 games use the 2600 for their audio, Ballblazer has its own audio chip whose output is fed into an extra pin on the cart slot.) |
Difference Between Consoles |
There are two basic versions of the 7800 console that I know of. The earlier version is the one designed by Atari Inc. and sold later by Atari Corp. It's the one that will play the notorious cranky Activison carts and the Starpath Supercharger. The later, the more common version is purely Atari Corp. (read "cheap and shoddy design"). The most conspicuous difference between the two is the earlier version has four 14-pin ICs on the right side of the board under the shielding, while the while the earlier version has only three. The extra chip is the 74LS02 second from the bottom This article details the modification to the later version of the 7800. Chances are the earlier version is practically identical, but I haven't verified that yet. Note: Lee Krueger notes that he has done successful A/V modifications on several different 7800s using these same instructions. Some were the earlier version of the 7800 mentioned here. |
Where to get Signals |
Most of the components do not have visible labels on the board's silk-screen, so giving component numbers is not useful. On the left side of the board, there's a horizontal row of mostly resistors above two ICs. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 8k2 39k 20k 10k 7k5 82k 4k3 4k7 3k3 3k3 3k3 3k3 1k0 1k0 10uf 1k0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--2600 Chroma | | | | | +------7800 Chroma | | | | +----------Luma 0 | | | +------------------Luma 3 (2600 Luma 2) | | +----------------------Luma 2 (2600 Luma 1) | +--------------------------Luma 1 (2600 Luma 0) +------------------------------Sync There is another, shorter row of components above that, just to the right of the RF modulator. o o o o o o o o | | | | | | | | 400 47pF 47pF 1k0 47pF 9k1 6k8 18k | | | | | | | | o o o o o o o o | | | +--Audio +------External Audio (from cart slot)
Where to get Power |
The circuit needs +5VDC source and a ground. IMHO, since they both snake all over the board and can be tapped into at any number of points, it's easier to tell the user how to find the appropriate places to get them than tell the user exactly where. Keeps things flexible, ya know. Ground can found at any point continuous with the following:
+5V can be found at any point continuous with the following:
Luma Output |
This is the same circuit you have seen before. Materials Needed
o+5V | | + |---|(----, | 100uF | | \/ GND | | 10uf |---/\/\/---,--|(--, CR1 750 1.6K | 10 | + | Sync --|<]--/\/\/-, ,-/\/\/-` | \/ GND 4.7K | | ___/-------` Luma 3 ---/\/\/-----| | Q /|/c\ 9.1K |--|------(b| ) RCA jack Luma 2 ---/\/\/-----| | \|\e/ 75 __ 18K | | \-----,---/\/\/-----O__ LUMA Luma 1 ---/\/\/-----| | 2K | | OUTPUT 36K | `-/\/\/----/\/\/--` GND \/ Luma 0 ---/\/\/-----` | 75 GND \/ |
Chroma Output |
Chroma output is a little tricky. Tying two chroma signals together into one doesn't work so well. The y need a bit of attenuation first. Rather than try to find specific resistance values, I just used a couple of 10K potentiometers and monkeyed them around a bit until I achieve a mix that gave good results. There are probably correct values to use here, but I haven't bothered finding them yet. Materials Needed
10K Pot 2600 Chroma -----/\/\/-----+ | 10K Pot | 1uf __ RCA Jack 7800 Chroma -----/\/\/-----+----|(-----o__ Chroma Output | GND Tuning the chroma output
Note: Lee Krueger recommends using Pitfall II for the 2600 cart. It has several gradations of brown and green. The subtle differences can be seen if the adjustment is made correctly. |
Audio Output |
Like the chroma output, the two separate signals need proper attenuation before mixing. Doing otherwise will give very load normal audio, and very quiet external audio. There are two approaches here, either one of which produces the same results. Audio--Method 1 In this method, you use the resistors that already exist on the board, and disable the mixing oscillator (Q1) by pulling the base lead. With this approach, the unit's RF output will have no audio. Materials Needed
Schematic 1uF RCA Jack Audio -------------|(-------------0 Audio Output | GND Audio--Method 2 All you are doing here is building a circuit identical to the one that exists on the board already, except it's not feeding the RF modulator. Materials Needed
Schematic 18K Audio -----/\/\---+ | | external 6.8K | 1uF RCA Jack audio------/\/\---+-----------|(-------------0 Audio Output | GND |
Composite Video Output To gain composite output, just tie the Luma and Chroma outputs together into a single output. |
Where to Put it I mounted the circuits on a small project board from Radio Shack, tapping into the appropriate points on the 7800 board with a length of ribbon cable. I then ran the ribbon cable out of the shielding via the hole for the expansion port, and tucked the board into the empty space in the "wing" there. I drilled three holes underside of the wing as far back as I could to mount the RCA jacks. WARNING: Take care drilling the holes in the 7800 shell. It's mad of very brittle plastic. Start with a small hole and gradually enlarge it. Drilling a big hole first or trying to enlarge a smaller hole too much will put a bigass crack in the shell. |
Jay Tilton Last modified: 06/08/97 |
Disclaimer This modification is the work of Jay Tilton. ResQsoft takes no responsibility for any damage done to your hardware. If you do this modification. You do so at your on risk. This article was transcribed from text that used to exist on Jay Tilton's webpage. All pre cautions were taken to ensure that nothing was lost in the transcription, but I make no guarantees that it is accurate. If you find typos or discrepancies, please let me know. I will check it against the hardcopy I have. |
Check out Saundby'sAtari 7800 Mods for a similar modification
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